Wrong predictions of endtime disasters and the return of Jesus in 2011

Acts 1:7, "He said to them, "It is not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority."

As happened so often with predications about endtime disasters and the return of Jesus, so it happened again with the predictions about an endtime disaster through the comet Elenin. This comet would pass earth so close on 17 and 18 October 2011 that it would bring apocalyptic disasters, but nothing happened. Many people experienced unnecessarily fears and worries through what was published about it. Some dreamed that their house was going to be hit by a meteorite out off the tail of the comet and that they were going to be killed. Some thought that they would now be soon with the Lord. Life continued however as usual and as far as I know nobody has seen this comet. The message of NASA was right: We did not need to fear for a disaster through this comet because it was going to bypass the earth at 35 million kilometres.

 I find it very saddening that some believers pay more attention to messages that are not sufficiently checked by trustworthy  and recognised scientists. It is also saddening that some believers pay more attention to messages that come from he freemasons, the Illuminati and other mysterious and occult movements. The future of this world and of apocalyptic disasters as are prophesied in the book of Revelation are not in the power of world and occult  or sectarian leaders, but in control of Jesus Christ, sitting on the throne above this universe in heaven.

I wrote earlier already an evangelical reaction to the ’prophecy’ of Harold Camping that Jesus would return on the 21st May of this year (2011). This reaction you find also on this site. This new ‘prophecy’ of him that it would happen on the 21st of October 2011 has not been fulfilled. Now we read that the same very saddening things happened as was the case after the false prophecies of William Miller in the 19th century. He prophesied three times a certain date for the return of Jesus. People had sold their home, business and gave their money away. When Jesus did not return they were ruined and some committed suicide. Wiliam Miller confessed afterwards that he had erred and that nobody can predict the return of Christ, for only the Father in heaven knows the time that Jesus is going to return, Matthew 24:36; (Acts 1:7).

Let me say in closing that we need to be very careful with putting dates on disasters, that we read about in the book of Revelation. One reason is this that many descriptions in that book are obviously written in a figurative way and need to be very carefully compared with the apocalyptic visions in the Old Testament and then interpreted.

If you have a question, you may write me. My e-mail address is: info.tjderuiter@telfort.nl
I wish every reader much blessing and heavenly wisdom.


We received on Monday, 31 oktober 2011, the message that Harold Camping confessed that he has been wrong in all his predictions and statements about the 2nd coming of Christ and the end of  the world. He deeply regrets all the confusion he has caused.  He said that he based his predictions on hidden data in the Bible. The Family Radio Church has removed him from all his ministries in the organisation. On  the fifth of March 2012 was published that Harold Camping confessed  to have sinned making such predictions and that he will never do it again. Notice the similarity with William Miller in the 19th century.

Pastor T. J. de Ruiter, 1 November 2011, The Netherlands


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Site 'Inspiration & Insight' dir. GM, since November 2006 / page update 9 March 2012 / Pastor T. J. de Ruiter / The Netherlands