There must be a Creator!

Everything in, on and above this world testifies to, demonstrates and reveals itself to the observing and analyzing human mind in an amazing interrelated, interdependant, efficient complexity. This is especially observed in all life and its necessary, complex environment on our planet. Did all come into being by a slow evolutionary process or by separate creative acts of a Creator? Whatever I should wish to believe, one thing is sure: Everything testifies to an intelligent design of careful planning. So, there must be an intelligent Designer and Planner, a Creative Mastermind: There must a a Creator-God.

To go one step further in my thinking on this point: If there was that so called 'evolutionary process', it could only have happened out of an incredible design with an intelligent planning and constant supervision, for without this, life would be doomed to die, before it ever could live. I can never avoid the conclusion: There must be a Creator, intelligent and infinite.

I make another step: The way the genes are coordinated and interrelated, forming all kinds of living creatures, tells me again: There is a Designer, an Architect of matter, energies and life. Genes tell me: Each form of life, from the simple creature till the complicated one form a complete unit of life. This knowledge of DNA and its genes cannot be used to support a theory of spontaneous evolution, but only to support the theistic one: There must be a Superphysical, Superintelligent Being that used the same basic genes as some kind of building-bricks, to generate, build and shape the great variety of living creatures.

It is an most interesting and tough question for all creatures, who use their ability to think: "How came this all into existence?" Paul, a servant of Christ, who dared to challenge the great philosophers of his days, wrote so powerfully in Romans 1:18-23, "For what can be known about God is plain to them. Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." Paul lifted up the knowledge from observing all things: There is a Creator, invisble to the human eye, because of his supermaterial, superphysical nature. Though the understanding of things, life and our own nature has progressed enormously since the days of Paul, the conclusion stands firm as ever: There is a Creator.

What else rest us as little, finite, frail and vulnerable human beings to do, then by faith, that is based on intelligent understanding, but that transcends it in spiritual openness, to adore and worship Him, the Great Creator?

Then, as a Christian, I make one last step: The great question, Who is this God, is answered most successfully and satisfactorily by the Jewish Messiah, teacher, preacher, healer and lover of men, Jesus Christ. It is, as a matter of fact, understandable, that if the great Creator desires to come in touch with his creature man, and desires a relationship with him, that He descends to the level of man. If fact this idea is worked out in many stories about gods. Greek mythology is full of it, for instance. And if this Creator wants to enter fully within the scope of man's life and experience, he himself should become such a creature, even come into the world like all of them. This has in fact happened: Jesus Chist was God, manifested in the flesh. It was prophesied ages before by Jewish prophets, such as the outstanding prophet Isaiah. He wrote down in chapter 9:5, "For unto us a child is given, a son is born. And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace. In- and through Jesus Christ we know: The Great Creator became our Saviour... and all Gods fullness dwelleth in Him! God... the Creator, became the Communicator. God, the Designer, became the Deliverer. God, the Maintainer, became the Mediator. God, the Sovereign, became the Saviour. The God of glory, became the God of grace!

15 March 1999, update 2 September 2011

Pastor T. J. de Ruiter

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Site 'Inspiraton & Insight' - Dir. GM  / published in 2000, last update 2 September 2011 / Pastor T. J. de Ruiter / The Netherlands