International Pentecost Edition of Dutch Magazine 'VOLG' (July 2012) Evangelical E-mail Magazine of the ministry 'Teach All Nations' of Teun & Tessa de Ruiter in Holland e-adres: and Internet: Contents 1. The Commander of the LORD 2. The sun of righteousness 3. Henceforth? Luke 2:51 4. Evangelism in Africa. Uganda, June 2012 5. Quote of mother Theresa 6. Dutch Foundation Support Christian Ministries 1. The Commander of the
LORD As commander of the army of the
LORD I have now come. Joshua 5:14
(RSV) Joshua had
crossed the river Jordan with the people of Israel and faced
now the task to possess the land. The first challenge in the promised
land was before
him, to conquer Jericho. He had
undoubtedly gone to the field to be alone, to pray and to think
deeply how he could take Jericho with its great walls. It seemed to be
impossible task for him and his people. He stood suddenly still as if
he was
glued to the ground. Out of nowhere came an impressive figure with a
sword in
his hand. Joshua asked him: "Are you for us, or for our adversaries?"
The question was understandable, it was important for Joshua to know if
he had
to do with an ally or with an adversary. The answer of this awesome
figure was:
"No; but as commander of the army if the LORD I have now come." The
implication of this reaction is clear. God over the command over the
battle. The rest of the story shows that the LORD God had helped Israel
mightily indeed. The walls of the city sank in the ground and the
could walk into the city and take it in. Dear
reader, perhaps you are in these days also faced with a difficult
problem and you worry seriously how to conquer it. Why not take some
time to be
alone and seek the LORD, to ask Him to help you. Try to enter into the
of the LORD and open your heart for Him. Perhaps you will experience a
encounter with Him as Joshua did. Bow before the LORD and put your
shoes off as
Joshua had to do. You are in the presence of the LORD. Give the LORD
command over your life and situation. All you have to do is to trust
and obey. On the
internet: 2. The sun of righteousness A testimony of Tessa de Ruiter Recently,
in the Spring, we saw cows with their calves coming out off the stable
for the
first time after the cold and long Winter. They jumped on their four
legs and run
as fast as they could. It was a joy to see how these cows expressed
their joy
to be in the fresh air. This made me remember of an experience of Tessa
1995. We were lodging in Rugby to visit Jean Neil. She had been several
in Holland to testify of her divine healing. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
had prayed
for her to come out off her wheelchair, because she was paralysed as
the result
of a tragic accident. When Reinhard prayed for her, she stood up and
began to
run. It was an astonishing miracle. Her husband could not believe what
he saw.
Now we were with Jean in the same International Conference Hall in
to listen to Benny Hinn. When the time of worship had come and the
great choir
sang. We closed our eyes and worshipped the Lord. Suddenly Tessa saw,
with her
eyes closed, a text above the platform. This is what she saw: The Sun of
righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. The full
text is Malachi 4:2 “But for you
who fear my name the sun of
righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. You shall go forth
like calves from stall.” On the same
moment that she saw this text she felt a touch of the Lord in her
stomach. Sour
fruit, like apples, she had not been able to eat. But from this healing
she can eat any fruit. T.
J. de
Ruiter 3.
Henceforth? Luke 2:51
he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them.” In the
Dutch New Bible there is added in this sentence the word ‘voortaan,’
(“and was
hun voortaan gehoorzaam”). This verse
is which is translated into English ‘henceforth’ or ‘from now on.’ I
find this adverb in another Dutch translation and in most, if not all,
Bibles, this word is also not found in this verse. The suggestion of
this word
in the Dutch New Bible is usually that before that moment He had
sometimes been
disobedient. But that suggestion is not acceptable for me. In the Greek
manuscripts this word does not occur. This word ‘voortaan’ is clearly
addition of the experts that are responsible for this new Dutch Bible,
published in 2004. Jesus had
never been disobedient to His parents. I
suspect that when the time had come to travel back to Nazareth there
was a kind
of a deal made with Jesus that He would come as soon as possible and
that the
time had not been specified. The search of Joseph and Mary was
motivated by
anxiety and fear (verse 48). It must have been very difficult for His
to understand and follow Jesus, for He was an exceptional intelligent,
charismatic and a completely pure child. I regret
therefore that the experts of this New Dutch Translation added this
word ‘voortaan’ in this sentence. T. J. de
Ruiter 4.
Evangelism in Africa. CfaN in Uganda, June 2012 Evangelist Daniel
wrote: “Tonight,on Saturday, after I preached the Gospel, there was an
overwhelming response from those who wanted to repent of their sins and
their faith in Jesus Christ. Thousands were born again into the
Kingdom of
God. And the blood that brought salvation is the same blood that
healing tonight; A lady who had four lumps in
her breasts said that, during the prayer, she felt heat cascade over
her and
she felt like things were leaving her body. Afterward, she checked her
and found that all the lumps had completely disappeared along with
all pain! A woman who had fallen into a
pit and broken her arm went to the doctors, who put it in a cast, but
it did
not heal properly – it was twisted and misshapen. But during the prayer
said she could hear popping and cracking coming from her arm. Before
very eyes that twisted arm snapped into place and is now perfectly
normal! Another woman who had a back
injury also heard the bones snapping and popping as the spine
righted itself
and now she is completely well! As I was praying for the sick
and rebuking sicknesses, demons began to manifest all over the place.
Many were
violently thrown to the ground as the demons were leaving their bodies.
mass deliverance that started tonight will continue tomorrow night.
I will
be breaking the familiar local curses in the name of Jesus and we will
burn the
articles of witchcraft that are brought; charms fetishes, amulets,
idols etc.” Please pray for a mighty and
complete deliverance tomorrow for the people of Kampala. CfaN published on 7 June that there
came in this campaign 150.660 people to the Lord. 5. Quote "If people
die of hunger is it not the
fault of God, but of you and me that did not feed them.” Mother
Theresa 6. Dutch Foundation Support Christian Ministries Contact or Information? E-mail... VOLG Indexpage of VOLG Magazine (English & Dutch) Home and Index of this site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |