International Edition of Dutch Magazine 'VOLG' (February 2012)
Evangelical E-mail Magazine of the ministry 'Teach All Nations' of Teun & Tessa de Ruiter in Holland
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1. Building on a good foundation
2. It is God's time for Africa, CfaN now in Burkina Faso
3. The testimony of the wonderful divine healing of Gabrielle Febe Lit
4. Comments and  commentary on a  Bibleverse

1. Building on a good foundation

            The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 about building our eternal future. He compared building our eternal life with building a house. A house needs a good foundation and for a Christian is this foundation our faith in and practical obedience to Jesus Christ. In Ephesians 2:20 the apostle Paul refers to the deep historic foundation of the Church: The apostles and prophets, while Christ Jesus Himself is the cornerstone. 

            When you are going to build a house on a weak and soft ground you have to dig and make a foundation. If that is not done well the house may collapse when it has rained a lot and the ground has become soaked. Jesus compared building our eternal future with building a house, in Matthew 7:24-27. He said that those who not only hear His words but obey and do them, are building their eternal future on save ground. The apostle James wrote on this subject in James 2:14-26. He wrote that when faith cannot be demonstrated with somebody’s deeds it has no value. In verse 26 he said that faith without works is as a body without a soul and has to be pronounced dead.

            When we are tested in our faith with  trials and temptations all kinds of dangerous forces try to damage our life with the Lord. Some readers are perhaps right now in such a situation that greatly troubles you. But also international and worldwide situations can shake someone’s faith, for dark clouds are gathering over our world. I think of the bad signs of coming economic, moral and spiritual storms. Prophets and leaders are warning that difficult times are ahead of us.  Already now Christians in several countries experience the first heavy gusts and many are shaken in their faith. It is of great importance that our house of faith in and obedience to Jesus, is built on the good historical Scriptural foundation of the prophets and apostles and with good materials as the apostle Paul told us in 1 Corinthians 5:10-13. Are you building your house on a good foundation and with the best materials?

T. J. de Ruiter, February 2012

2. It is God’s time for Africa, CfaNnow in Burkina Faso

Introduction by Teun J. De Ruiter

Reinhard Bonnke and I were students in the Bible College of Wales in Swansea, Great Britain from 1959-1962. We soon became friends. One morning Reinhard told me that he had a vision in the night. He saw himself standing before a great crowd of black people, preaching the Gospel. And the Lord said to me that He was going to call me to Africa. That is now, in 2012, a little more than sixty years ago. After our graduation Reinhard returned to his home country, Germany, and worked there for sis years in the churches, before he knew that the time had come to go to Africa. The nightly vision has become a wonderful reality and the Lord has confirmed His presence and power with numberless wonderful miracles of healing and deliverance. Now, a young anointed German evangelist, David Kolenda, is cooperating in this divine call. And God is continuing His saving and healing power in their campaigns. It is a privilege for me to feel that I can in a little way contribute in the realisation of Gods work in Africa.

Holland, februari 2012

First campaign in Burkina Faso

After a decade of holding campaigns almost exclusively in Nigeria, this year, in obedience to that word of the Lord, we are launching out all across East and West Africa proclaiming the Gospel and the timing seems absolutely providential.

On the 25th of January we started our campaign in the West African nation of Burkina Faso in the city of Ouagadougou (pronounced Waga-doo-goo). Our very first meeting was attended by over 70,000 people. There is a tremendous excitement and anticipation for what the Lord will do here this week. We witnessed a number of amazing miracle testimonies tonight including several cripples who can now walk, a boy whose blind eye can now see, a mute woman who can now speak, a couple of paralytics that are now healed. As always our greatest joy is to see tens of thousands of people responding to the Gospel and being ushered into the Kingdom of God. I’m sure that all Heaven is rejoicing tonight! Every evening the crowd grew in numbers. On Saturday we had more than 160.000 people in the meeting that is more than 1% of the population of this country.

Some days after this campaign was closed we received the wonderful news from West Africa that that the decision card count  from the Burkina Faso – over the five days of meetings – was 429,255 people who received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord! In a nation where the entire population is around 16-million, this is a RICH HARVEST for sure. We are rejoicing!

Yours in the Gospel, evangelists Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke

For messages and news: Go directly to the site of ‘Christ for All Nations’


3. The wonderful testimony about the divine healing of Gabrielle Febe Lit 

Because of certain complaints that developed in my body in 2007 I had to be examined by a cancer specialist and in 2008 leukaemia was discovered. In 2010 they found everywhere tumours in my body and my physical condition deteriorated continually. I was advised to take a nurse at home and someone to help in the housework. I dropped everything out off my hands; one day dropped a bottle cola spontaneously. I had to take several medicines, e.g. three times a day against the pain. I had migraine and developed problems in the stomach and oesophagus. The cancer specialist gave me medicines that I had to use the rest of my life. The specialist for the skin gave medicines and the specialist for the lungs gave medicines against asthma and allergies. To avoid extra risks he wanted to examine the lungs with a special camera but I was too weak to undergo that examination.

The specialist told me in 2009 that the leukaemia could become suddenly acute and that I was never going to be healed. He told me frankly: “You are going to die through the leukaemia, perhaps you will live for a month or year. But it will become suddenly acute and then we cannot any longer delay or influence it. In March 2011 biopsies showed tumours behind the breastbone (sternum) and the blood values had deteriorated. On the sixth of December 2011 I returned from a missionary journey to Prague and Switzerland and at the same day I was hospitalized and put in a wheelchair.

On 14 December 2011 blood was examined because of the leukaemia (blood and bone marrow cancer). On the 20th of December biopsies showed that the breast was okay. I asked the prayerteam of Morris Cerullo in Barendrecht, Holland, to pray for me as they hold each Wednesday evening a prayermeeting. That night I received a vision. A bottle with the best wine was given me out off heaven. It came to me that this would mean new life and I asked: “But for whom....?” In the morning of 22 December the Holy Spirit said to me to take the Lord’s Supper with Jesus. That morning I visited the medical specialist. She said to me: “You could become a hundred years! Officially I cannot say that you have any longer leukaemia!” To be sure she felt in my neck and in other places to see if there were still tumours, but they were all gone!  medical doctor visited me in January 2012 to see if the care at home had to be continued. He said: “A chronic illness cannot be healed, but now and then I hear of somebody that is healed in a meeting where they pray for the sick.” When he left I gave him a Bible and he said with gladness: “I feel honoured that you give me this book.” A week later I requested that the homecare would remove my name from its system. “Hallelujah, I know and experience that the Lord has healed me.”

Jesus said: All power is given me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and preach the Gospel to all creatures.”

 I take this opportunity to thank all my dear friends who prayed for me.
Gabriëlle Febe Lit, January 2012

Translation Teun de Ruiter and published with permission. Mrs. Lit is known to us.


4. Comments and commentary on a Bibleverse.'The mystery of God and of Christ

 T. J. de Ruiter, pastor and teacher.

Colossians 2:2b,3a,”.... to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ..”

When you read these verses in various translations you will notice some differences. The above quote is from the King James Bible, the Authorized Version. But the New International Version has “in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ.” And the “New King James Version’ has ”.... to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ,” You notice that in some newer translations than the Authorized Version, ‘The Father,’ is missing. The reason for this omission is because in some of the fifteen now known Greek manuscripts ‘of the Father,’ in the Greek language: “tou Patrou,’ is not included in the text. They have, “musteriou tou Theou, Xristou”, which is literally  '"the mystery of God, of Christ.’ It is a fact that there is a syntactic difficulty in this sentence. There are two genitives (of God, of Christ) after one another. However, every translation makes clear that here is meant the mystery of Jesus Christ, for He is both God and man, which originated in God, The Father, and therefore it is in the first place His mystery.

T. J. de Ruiter

  About the Dutch Foundation Support Christian Ministries
 (a non-profit foundation and as such recognized by the Dutch Tax Office)

This Foundation has been founded by the son of Teun and Tessa de Ruiter, to support them in the last phase of their life and ministry. In 2011 Teun resigned at the age of 73 as pastor of the local Pentecostal Church in Hilversum, Holland. He and his wife Tessa served there as pastors for twenty years after their 27 years of ministry in the Bible College. They do now no longer receive a regular income. That's why we have founded this foundation. We gladly receive any donation for them in the account of the foundation 'Support Christian Ministries,' in Leusden, Holland. The account is and the IBAN code is NL70ABNA0447111973. The Foundation supports also missionaries and evangelists.

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Site 'Teach All Nations' / VOLG, since 2010 / update 22 February 2012 /  T. J. de Ruiter / The Netherlands