The Word with Power
T. J. de Ruiter
Hello, great you came on this page. I like to introduce you to the word of God.
Words have power, even words which are spoking carelessly and flippantly. With words you can uplift a person and make him feel that he is somebody and worthwhile. With words you can also discourage a person; make him feel that he good for nothing and worthless. Especially with young children you either are making a positive, happy personality or you make the child feel inferior. We know that the basis characteristics of thinking and personality are made in the first years of life, before a child is ten.
If words of men can have great power, what about the word of God? Of course, the word of God is the greatest power that exists. God is Spirit and His word is spirit-power that makes things come into being and happen in this, our physical, material world.
The Bible contains original, pure words that were spoken by the Supernatural Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth and all that is within them. God has also been heard speaking to men. Sometimes God was heard speaking audibly, but many thought that it only thundered. More often God spoke to men, whose heart and spirit were tuned in to His still voice. All through history men and women have heard the voice of God speaking to them and they were greatly changed by it. Up to this day God's voice is heard and those who hear Him speak tell of His love, goodness, grace and power. Today, if God is speaking, it is the voice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He once lived and walked on earth, like you and I do now. Jesus Christ spoke the Word of God with absolute purity, great authority and power. They that received Him as Gods Messenger and Saviour were blessed and saved. It is so good to have His words preserved in the Bible. Especially the Gospels, the first four books of the second part of the Bible, which is called the New Testament, contain His words and acts. If you have never read the Bible why not start reading it right now and start with the Gospels. They tell His wonderful story with words that will bless you. I invite you to open yourself for the power of God, Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Lord of men. Why not make a new start in life and let Jesus come into your heart? I have written a message that can change your life. Please log in to "Yes! Make a powerful decision."
If you have any questions,
do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you and God
bless you.
Questions? E-mail.... Pastor T. J. de Ruiter