Sermon 10, Approaching Mount Zion (s-tjdr) coming to..... mount SION....!

But you have come to mount Sion....... Hebrews 12:22
a sermon of pastor Teun J. de Ruiter, The Netherlands (stcrm)


Chapter 19 of Exodus describes one of the most awe-inspiring, impressive and influential events in f the history of Israel; and I’ll add to it: In the history of mankind, as a whole. It must have been about 1445 before Christ when these dramatical events near- and on the Sinai took place. The picture, described in this chapter, challenges human imagination. You just feel that the author has come to the limits of his ability to describe in an adequate way that which he had gone through, saw and heard. I think, that even a modern writer would have a great deal of trouble to find words, to describe all those exciting and awe-inspiring details of such a phenomenon.

What do we think about it: Should all this actually have taken place as it is written in the book of Exodus? Many doubt it and refer this awe-inspiring story to the realm of myths. Following Judaism most Christians, especialy evangelicals, do believe that these almost incredible natural phenomena did really occur. May I mention some impressive natural phenomena, that are described in Exodus 19: “A sound like a mighty trumpet, which came of the top, thunderclaps, fire, a heavy cloud, development of smoke - the whole mountain was wrapped in smoke and trembled terribly. Everything which is described here, reminds us of a vulcanic eruption, a phenomenon we know and which has such effects as described here. Nevertheless, we must not think of an eruption, because in that case the people, who were encamped close to the mountain, shouldn’t have survived it. The famous Russian author Immanuel Velikovsky described a startling theory in his book 'Worlds in Collision'. He made a link between the phenomena of the fiery, smoky and trembling Sinai and the terrible noise and the occurance at that time of a big comet or another kind of heavenly body, which may had passed the earth closely at that time. The gravity forces and the extreme atmospheric conditions brought the whole planet in instability. It is interesting that the Talmud and Midrashim, Jewish comments upon the Old Testament, write that "the mountain of the legislation shook so dreadfully, that it seemed as if it was lifted up and was shaking above the heads of the people. They actually felt as if they stood not firmly on the ground any longer, but were levitated by an invisible force. Velikovsky, who inquired into this- and other unusal historic events, that are told in age-old stories of different peoples and cultures concluded, that the presence of a heavenly body above them must have caused this phenomenon and these strange sensations (see World in Collision, Dutch 'Werelden in botsing, p. 121.). The 'dizzy feeling', mentioned in the Talmud, could have been the effect of the changes in the gravity force, caused by the heavenly body. It is very interesting to study this all, but naturally it doesn’t touch the heart of the message.


In Exodus chapter 19, preparations are made preparations for giving the law to Israel. God reminds Israel of the fact that He is a holy God and they are small and unholy people. However, He has chosen to be their God and He expects them to consider this as a privilige and that they should consequently be willing to serve Him. In Egypt they became contaminated by the Egyptian culture with its idolatry and impurity. He is going to re-educate and purify the people. Moses is his servant and they shall have to listen to him; see 19:9. So, the people shall stand in awe of Him, for he is a great and holy God. They should not be slack with Him; He wants to be taken serious and treated with respect. All phenomena upon and around the mountain did emphasize that. People had to observe distance and if there had been those, who had inspected the mountain, they should be killed immediately; even an animal should undergo this fate. If there had been vulcanologians, they couldn’t have satisfied their scientific curiosity and carry out inspections: it was not permitted!

Indeed, the message of the revelation of God on the Sinai is clear: I am an awe-inspiring, great and holy God and you are a small, unholy people. However, it is my privilege to make a holy nation of you. So let me purify and sanctify you, then you will go experience a beautiful future with Me.

It has become quiet on the Sinai. Of course, we cannot even be absolutely sure that the present mountain with that name, is actually the mountain where this took place. There are pro- and contra arguments for the present mount Sinai as the location. But, this is the important thing: The message, the Torah of Mozes has continued to lead and influence generation after generation. And everybody, who looses oneself in it, is going to feel himself uncomfortable and restless, for the divine words touch the deepest elements in our imperfect and sinful being and existence. A human being, who really absorbs this Sinai-message cries out: “Lord, You are great, I am small, Lord, you are holy, perfect, great, awe-inspiring, but I am sinful, impure; be merciful to me and safe me.


As said before, it is quiet now on mount Sinai, only in the Catharina cloister on the mountain, some singing monks are heard. Therefore: Let's go to mount Sion now -not the earthly, but the heavenly- something wonderful is happening there and beautiful visions of glory rapture the human soul at the base of that mountain!

The writer of the epistle to the Hebrews tells us: ”But you have come to mount Sion.....” Then he lists what we have approached to and whom we meet there. We have approached to the living God, to the innumerable (Greek: “myrias”, myriads, indeed litterally tens of thousands) company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborns, which names are written down in heaven,- to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to His blood. Hallelujah, this is glorious, folks, wouldn't you say so! I am staying at the base of this mountain and worship God!


What has indeed become so important to me now, is that it says: “You have come to’; pay attention to the perfect time which is indeed written in Greek. It says not:”But you will come to - future tense; no! It states: “You have come to”, or: You have approached to.” Brothers and sisters: The Holy Spirit says: “Everyone, who is washed by faith from the guilt of sin in the blood of the Lamb should know that he or she stands not at the foot of the horrible mount Sinai, but at the foot of the wonderful and glorious mount Sion! Hallelujah!

I feel such a sense of closeness to these spiritual, heavenly realities. They are not far away, in the physical, material sense, like for instance America or China are far away from us, but near, very near. If your eyes and consciousness should be opened for it, we know ourselves in that reality - this is absolutelys incomprehensible! Scientists are bewildered, because they know there is a reality which is found just outside our consciousness. The Holy Spirit says: “Listen my people, you stand at the door of the heavenly palace, where a feastly and general assembly will take place, a birthday party, in which all firstborn may participate. Yes, come to the feast! Please listen for a moment to this. I like to give my comment to the following. In the King James Version is written “general assembly”. In Greek however, there is written “ panêguris”: a feastly assembly. So, it is not a “general assembly”, that could remind you of a general meeting in which you have to reflect on matters of business and where you have perhaps to vote on earthly matters.....

Brothers and sisters, once again, we stand at the base of glorious mount Sion. God upon the Sinai: “Keep at a distance of me for I am holy and you aren’t and don’t touch me. God on mount Sion: “Touch me.” This is so beautiful, so healing, so warm, so comforting: God on mount Sion says: “Come to Me, let Me touch you and you may touch Me.” I see still more: The blood is the blood of reconciliation. Mount Sion, the feast of the firstborn. We stand now at the base of the mountain, soon we ascend it.... Yes, come to the feast, to God, to the angels, to the saints, made perfect, to JESUS and his blood!


Yes, I invite everybody in the name of Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the New Covenant, made up in His precious blood, to come to God..... Really now, do you excuse yourself with a: “I am a sinner and a very bad one, too?” That excuse won’t do, because the blood of Jesus Christ will cleans you from all sins; See 1 John 1:9, confess, admit your sinfulness, your lostness and believe in the atonement of Jesus Christ, accept His love and mercy. "Thank you, Lord, for forgiving and cleansing me, thank you for your love.. Now, please, come to Jesus and come to the blood, let your sin be washed away. Yes, my friend and brother, come to this wonderful and glorious mount Sion! Amen


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site 'Inspiration & Insight' since 1 July 2010 / page update 2 August 2010 / Pastor T. J. de Ruiter / The Netherlands