![]() Pastor Teun J. de Ruiter, The Netherlands
The famous apostle Paul had one of the most important chances of his career as a preacher. He had the opportunity to address the wise men and philosophers of the Greek culture in Athens. When he entered Athens his heart was no doubt beating faster; he was excited and he looked forward to share his intelligent and profound understanding of the Gospel with the great thinkers of his day. Thus he looked for an opportunity to testify about his faith in Jesus Christ, which he had met as the Son of the Most High God. Walking in Athens he noticed the many altars; he couldn't miss them, they were everywhere. Each one was dedicated to some god or idol. Then, suddenly, he noticed an altar with the inscription: "To the unknown God." He got a marvellous idea: He was going to present this 'unknown god' as the most important God of all, the Great Creator of the universe, who sent His Son Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of humanity. He started preaching in the Jewish synagogue. It was customary for the Jews to give men an opportunity to share a messsage when they gathered for worship and learning. Jesus availed himself of this opportunity many a time and so did the apostle Paul. The next place to preach and to argue was the marketplace, this got the attention of the thinkers and philosophers in the city. The ideas Paul presented aroused so much interest that they took him to the great place for speaches, lectures and discussions, the Areopagus, the ruins of it can still be seen and visited in Athens. This was a great moment for Paul for now he could present his message to the very elite of the wise. When we read the summary of his message, we can still sense the great care and wisdom with which Paul chose his sentences and the development of his address. His public listened obviously with great attention and remained quiet until he came to the point of Christ's resurrection from death. That was too much for some of them. Dead is dead and that's final. Nobody has ever come back from the grave and that was not a matter of philosophy but a practical fact of life and death. His public became restless and agitated and some began to mock the preacher. Paul had to stop speaking and was dismissed. And though some made a promise to give him a second chance, we have no record that he ever got this. Addressing in this sermon to you and all the population on this globe, I want to draw the attention to what Paul said in the text of this sermon, part of his address to these great men of Greek culture and thinking. He said: "God commands now men everywhere to repent." From the original Greek text it also could be translated: "God declares that men everywhere should repent." The question is asked on which ground does God command or call all men on this planet to repent, forsake all evil and wrong and turn to a good life and faith in Him. In answering this question I discern three aspects in God's threefold plan of his salvation. First: He offers forgiveness of all the wrong men have done. Jesus Christ, His Son, paid the price and made reconciliation. To enjoy forgiveness, all each man has to do is accept by faith Jesus Christ as his Savior and believe the message his sins are forgiven for His Name's sake. Second: He offers spiritual and more renewal. He wants to give all men a new heart, a new perfect lifepower inside; a real spiritual re-birth. This new life is by His Spirit imparted into man when he accepts forgiveness and is prepared to forsake all evil and wrong and do the good and the right. Third: He offers a new future after death in fellowship with Him, to work out his beautiful, eternal plans with creation. This plan starts at the resurrection to this new life, which takes place when Christ returns to this planet. God raised Christ from death, as the great demonstration and assurance that He indeed can- and will do this. The promise of this wonderful, eternal life is for everyone, who accepts a. forgiveness, b. wants to live right in reverence to God and c. out of thankfulness to Jesus Christ dedicate his life to Him and opens his heart for the Spirit of the Lord. The great Creator has out of His great love for the human race and his compassion for suffering and chaotic humanity, designed and put into function this great rescue operation in Jesus Christ. This global sermon is an attempt to draw your attention to God's love and plan of salvation. This message comes to you, telling you that the offer of salvation is for you also. You may perhaps say: "I am too great a sinner." But, my friend, Jesus Christ came to save sinners. Perhaps you say, "I am not important." But, my friend you are truly important to God, He really loves you. Perhaps you say, "My heart is broken beyond repair." But, my friend, Jesus can repair, heal and restore every broken heart, this is His speciality. Please consider to trust and believe to this message, you find it in the Holy Bible, and open your heart for the love of the Great God in Jesus Christ. May I suggest you to pray: "Dear God, I have wasted my life in sin, uncleannes and foolish pride. I feel guilty in your holy presence. I do accept forgiveness on the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and open my heart for your Holy Spirit. I make the solemn decision to live from this moment as you want me to live. My great and perfect example for the right conduct is the life of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your love, heavenly Father, and for the strength You will give me to live daily, to live for You. Amen." Contact? E-mail... Pastor T. J. de Ruiter, The Netherlands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~