What is the Holy Spirit doing? What are you experiencing and what are people thinking about the works and manifestations attributed to Him.
(Dutch: Wat is de Heilige Geest aan het doen? Wat ervaart u en hoe denken mensen over de werken en manifestaties die aan Hem worden toegeschreven.
Leusden, The Netherlands, 29th of August 1997, renewed 30 augustus 2011L.S.
I am very impressed and - above all - thankful to God for what is happening in the world, particularly where His Spirit is working with great power, like in Toronto, Canada and the 'Brownsville Assemblies of God', Pensacola, Florida. There can be no doubt about it - in my opinion - that the Holy Spirit of Christ is doing a wonderful work through dedicated men and women. The Holy Spirit shows up with great power, saving and changing all who put their faith in Christ and submit themselvcs to His powers. Is there somebody reading this post that has been touched, saved, delivered, changed and refreshed by the Holy Spirit? Are you a pastor, who has seen good (or bad) results from the influence, that people have experienced in the revival and renewal? Do you have honest questions and would like to discuss about it? Please do not hesitate to write and tell the worldwide community what God has done or come forward with a question, comment or contribution.
God bless you; I am looking forward to honest and edifying reactions.
Pastor Teun J. de Ruiter (Hilversum, the Netherlands) e-mail tj.deruiter@tiscali.nl
Site: home.telfort.nl/tdruiter