Introducing T. J. de Ruiter

                T. J. de Ruiter

Hello, great you came on this page. I like you to get a little acquainted with me and therefore this brief introduction.

I am Dutch and was born in Scheveningen near The Hague, at the coast of the North Sea. My upbringing was typical Dutch Reformed: I was baptized when I was  a baby and going to Church from my youngest days. We sang the Psalms, and observed a strict Sunday rest, went to catechism, was confirmed as a churchmember in my early twenties. During my military service with the Dutch Royal Airforce I received the Lord into my heart as my personal Saviour - I was at that time twenty years old. This happened after a weekend conference with Anne van der Bijl and Sidney Wilson. That decision changed my life and ambitions completely. In 1960 I went to to Wales as I felt the call of God to the ministry. I became a student at 'The Bible College of Wales.' In 1962  When I stayed for a ministerial visit at the home of a Baptist minister in Brynmawr I met Tessa, with whom I fell in love - and she with me. In September of 1963 we married in South Wales. During the college studies I had developed a friendship with the now wellknown German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and have kept in touch with him up to this present day. Since our ways parted after finishing our ministerial training we kept in touch with each other and met from time to time.

We moved to Holland in 1967 with our first child and in that year I was invited to become a teacher in Bible and Theology at the 'Centrale Pinkster Bijbelschool' in The Hague. In 1990 I was ordained as the minister of the Elim Pentecostal Church in Hilversum.

My denominational ties are with the 'Verenigde Pinkster en Evangeliegemeenten,' (United Pentecostal & Evangelical Churches) which is affiliated with the Assemblies of God; I have a ministerial license.

In 1996 I felt called to open a worlwide internet and e-mail ministry in the Dutch and the English language. This ministry was confirmed by a prophetic word. In 1997 we opened the first website and we continued to develop this ministry up to this present day. Now I can truly say, by the grace of God I have an international public and can teach people of all nations.

Our prayer is that everywhere on this planet people will find salvation and peace by faith in Jesus Christ and that a mighty wave of salvation and revival will move over our countries and, indeed, the whole world. We look forward to the return of Jesus Christ, because we know from Scripture that His coming is for all believers  the uniting with HIm,  the salvation of Israel and the start of His great Kingdom of peace and righteousness.

Please look around on our sites.
Thank you and God bless you.  

Introducing Teun & Tessa de Ruiter (The Netherlands)
Fifty Years of Ministry (1960-2010) Sunday Pastoral Message
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Site 'Inspiration & Insight' (Inspiratie & Inzicht) / page update 18 June 2023