"O LORD, revive thy work (the Church) in the midst of the years." (Habakkuk 3:2b)
It is not the physical manifestations, but the inward transformation that is the important issue. If unusual physical expressions need to accompany the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, so be it.
During the Pastor's Conference, April '98 Dr. Cho prophesied that this revial would continue till the coming of the Lord. All things are possible of course but history tells us that such revivals come and go after having touched thousands of people, often changing them for the remaining part of their life. Reports told us that the revivalfire was spreading to other churches in other cities in the United States. Thus the prophecy of Dr. P. Yonggi Cho given a few years before this revival broke out, was being fulfilled already.
From all over the world came reports of massive conversions to the faith in Christ. In Argentina nearly complete cities are changed through the conversions of thousands. From Israël came a report in the spring of 1998 that forty rabbies came to believe in Jesus that He is indeed the Messiah. From Great Britain come reports that in some towns in Wales and in England revival fires are beginning to glow and burn.
We call on all, who love the Lord Jesus Christ to join with us in prayer that the church in Holland will be renewed and revived. And that it will rise to the challenge to be faithful to her mission to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and become again an influence of importance in all layers of society. An authentic, Holy Spirit generated revival with a national impact is surely the only hope for our country. Let's pray, hope and believe that the world may see a revival, in which the Saviour of the nations, will be permanently glorified.
Prayer for Revival in The Netherlands
This is a call to Christians all over the world to pray for revival in THE NETHERLANDS, the small country on the North Sea in Western Europe. We are a small country, but have a great need!
27 May 1998; edited 25 November 2003, 12 November 2006
continue to
pray for revival in The Netherlands
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stirred by this message, or have news about revival or renewal, please,
write me:
Pastor T. J. de Ruiter
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